
NaNoWriMo Progress – or lack thereof

Last year I was so good about writing multiple times during NaNo. It rather kept me going, you know, feeling like people were enjoying keeping up with my progress, whether it was true or not. 🙂 This year. Well, I got a very good start, as you know. And I was actually quite good at continuing. I was ahead in my word count almost the entire time, until last Sunday. Then I was out late and woke up sick Monday morning and everything went downhill from there. A week later and I’ve not written a word. On the up side, I am finally feeling well again. Mostly, anyway. I am at my in-laws for the week, where I will now be attempting to balance teleworking with family time and writing. I was going to give up on NaNo. But two things are keeping me going:

  1. Daniel. Apparently he doesn’t think I should quit.
  2. Stubbornness. I just don’t like losing. So, I am going to keep trying.

Anyway – the short story thing seems to be going fairly well other than the previous week. It is nice to have shorter goals. To begin and end things fairly quickly. To increase my creativity by forcing myself to come up with multiple story ideas. I really feel like this will be good for me in more ways than one. Here is to hoping all of you other NaNo writers out there are doing better than I!

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